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Tổng số lần xem: 6999 - Tổng số hồi đáp: 0

Posted By: PhuND trên 04/07/2012 12:52:38

Mời các ACE và các cháu F1,2 của Hội KGU tham gia giải thưởng 100.000USD cho Khoa học máy tính.

Trang website của tạp chí :

Dear Sir,
I am seeking a small help from you. This year our journal is
supporting USD 100000 for each individual, student, research scholar
to promote Mathematical Sciences, especially in Computer Science with
Maths. I would like to post this annnucemnet to reach many for
pursuing the research in Computational Mathematics. Can you suggest
some websites, which will post my announcement? Also, you can discuss
the same with your friends/students etc.
The following need for approving the fund to carry the individual or
group research.

1) The student/teacher should be serious in pursuing computational
Mathematics, algorithms, cryptography etc.
2) He/she has to submit research proposal (in brief writeup up to 10 pages)
3) he need not be an Indian (any one can apply)
4) he/she has to complete the project within 3 years.
5) he/she pursuing the research from any institute, stiil can apply
6) Last date for sending the 10 pages brief research proposal by 15th July 2012.
7) All questions are research proposals can be send to

Thanking you,
